We all iOS Developers know that we can use some distinct colours in component's background or tint colour. If we use custom colour code the apps will be more lucrative. I am giving a simple example,
I create a segmented control programatically and set the background colour using the colour code.
In viewDidLoad method I set the navigations bar's tint colour and background the view using colorWithHexString method which returns colour according to the hexadecimal form of the colour code. I hope it will be helpful to you.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString *cString = [[hex stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] uppercaseString];
if ([cString length] < 6) return [UIColor grayColor];
if ([cString hasPrefix:@"0X"]) cString = [cString substringFromIndex:2];
if ([cString length] != 6) return [UIColor grayColor];
NSRange range;
range.location = 0;
range.length = 2;
NSString *rString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
range.location = 2;
NSString *gString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
range.location = 4;
NSString *bString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
unsigned int r, g, b;
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:rString] scanHexInt:&r];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:gString] scanHexInt:&g];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:bString] scanHexInt:&b];
return [UIColor colorWithRed:((float) r / 255.0f)
green:((float) g / 255.0f)
blue:((float) b / 255.0f)
I create a segmented control programatically and set the background colour using the colour code.
In viewDidLoad method I set the navigations bar's tint colour and background the view using colorWithHexString method which returns colour according to the hexadecimal form of the colour code. I hope it will be helpful to you.
[super viewDidLoad];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[self colorWithHexString:@"843C44"]];
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[self colorWithHexString:@"845C44"]];}
NSString *cString = [[hex stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] uppercaseString];
range.location = 0;
range.length = 2;
NSString *rString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
NSString *gString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
NSString *bString = [cString substringWithRange:range];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:rString] scanHexInt:&r];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:gString] scanHexInt:&g];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:bString] scanHexInt:&b];
green:((float) g / 255.0f)
blue:((float) b / 255.0f)
Thanks a lot Mr. Mahboob for sharing this trick. Really appreciable tutorial & indeed a great effort.....